Brilliant Guerrilla Marketing

Well, it happened again last night. It was bound to happen again and last night is when it happened.

Some guerrilla marketers came through my neighborhood again and they were promoting their produce business. Here’s what they did:

They had soGuerrilla Marketingme flyers printed up. Then they rolled them up and they used a rubber band to attach the flyer to some simple cotton work gloves. Then they went through my neighborhood and they threw them on our driveways.

This morning when I woke up to take the dog out for her morning walk, the rolled up flyer and gloves were on my driveway. This is brilliant. Here’s why it’s brilliant.

I’m going to throw out the flyer but I’m going to hang on to the cotton gloves. I’ll probably remember where I got the gloves and I’ll be reminded of that produce business every time I use them…and long after I’ve thrown out that flyer and long after those guerrillas paid for the flyers and gloves and spent the time rolling them up and driving through my neighborhood distributing their marketing message.

Those guerrilla marketers were smart but if they were really smart, what they would have done is they would have had the gloves imprinted with their logo or their contact information or both. That way as time goes on, people will know where they got those gloves and have the marketer’s contact info.

Promotional products are the ultimate guerrilla marketing tool. Promotional products deliver their marketing message over and over and over and long after the advertiser paid for them. The promotional product doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be distributed. That is the number one factor in using promotional products effectively is the distribution.

The folks at the produce business near my house did a great job. They could have done better but they did a great job.

Published by

Avery Manko

Hey I'm Avery, founder of The Manko Company. We specialize in promotional products and marketing tips for independent insurance agencies and other businesses. I am also the author of "Uncomplicated Marketing - A No-Nonsense Guide to Growing Your Business Using Promotional Products". Take a look at our website and let us know if you have any questions! Thanks for stopping by!